

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders Published
文掲載雑誌名:DENTAL DIAMOND 2022年1月号
著者、共著者 :富永敏彦、高比良一輝、木村祐介、東條愛、多田瑛一朗、菅谷勉


Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders Published
論文掲載雑誌名:日本歯科評論(The Nippon Dental Review)2022年1月号 2021年12月20日発刊
著者、共著者 :富永敏彦、高比良一輝、多田瑛一朗、菅谷勉

Ⅰ.従来の歯内療法:歯内療法を成功させるための重要な前提条件は、根管内の感染組織や汚染物質の除去である。しかし、根管形態は複雑なバリエーションを有しており、従来の化学的機械的根管清掃によって、全ての病原因子を除去することは事実上不可能である。 Toronto study1)において、initial treatmentの成功率は、術前に根尖病変が認められた症例では82%であり、認められなかった症例における93%より低く、さらにトランスポーテーションが認められた症例では69%まで低下したと報告されている。根管形態の変化が多様な根尖部に感染が波及した場合、従来の清掃方法では治癒に導けない症例も少なくなく、トランスポーテーションによって惹起されたジップ、レッジ、穿孔などの対処に苦慮することが多い(図1)。また、根尖外に感染が進行した症例において、歯根外表面、根尖病変内、根尖外異物内における感染源を除去することは不可能であり、外科処置が第一選択とされている(図2)。

Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders Published
論文掲載雑誌名:別冊ザ・クインテッセンス 日本歯内療法学会が全ての歯科医師に贈る最新トレンド
著者、共著者 :富永敏彦、多田瑛一朗、高比良一輝、菅谷勉

機械的科学的根管清掃は 、根管治療においてもっとも重要なステップである。しかし 、根管の湾曲・狭窄・分岐などの複雑な解剖学的形態や修復象牙質 、レッジ形成 、デブリにより根尖に穿通できない根管も存在する(図1)。根尖病変を有する穿通不可根管における歯内療法の成功率は 、穿通根管90%に対して 、わずか69%であり 、さらにRetreatmentでは31%まで激減すると報告がある。高周波電流は 、その特性より 、根管携帯に関係なく根管内を通電し 、電気抵抗値が高い狭窄部を通過する際 、電流密度が上昇し 、ジュール熱を発生させる。さらに熱により発生した気泡内の放電により 、根管壁のコラーゲンの焼灼や象牙質の溶融が可能であることが明らかにされている。またPanarielloらは 、高周波通電によるEnterococcus feacalisに対する抗バイオフィルム効果を発表しており 、われわれの研究においても 、Actionmyces naeslundiiのバイオフィルムを定着させた模擬根管に高周波通電を行ったところ 、バイオフィルムの消失が認められた。本稿においては 、Root ZX3を使用し 、根尖病変を有する穿通不可能な根尖性歯周炎症例に対する高周波通電の応用例について紹介する。

Application of High-Frequency Conduction for Persistent Apical Periodontitis: A Case Report
Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders Published
論文掲載雑誌名:Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders Published: June 29, 2021
著者、共著者 :Toshihiko Tominaga, Eiichiro Tada, Kazuki Takahira and Tsutomu Sugaya

We report the case of a 39-year-old male with Persistent Apical Periodontitis (PAP) caused by infection in an uninstrumented area, wherein conventional chemical root canal treatment is not possible, which was sterilized via high-frequency conduction. He underwent root canal filling after multiple endodontic treatments for tooth #4. As symptoms recurred, he was referred to our department with the chief complaint of dull pain during mastication. Present symptoms were percussion pain of the tooth, buccal mucosa swelling at the apical portion, and grade 1 mobility. Radiography revealed inadequate root canal filling. A radiolucent image 5×6 mm in diameter and with an unclear boundary was observed around the apex. External root resorption was mainly observed in the apical foramen, with a crown root ratio of approximately 1:1. Using 6% sodium hypochlorite under dental microscopy, chemomechanical root canal preparation was performed. Passive ultrasonic irrigation and calcium hydroxide application were conducted three times; however, periapical tissue inflammation did not subside. Therefore, the patient was diagnosed with PAP, and the uninstrumented area was sterilized via high-frequency conduction. High-frequency currents were applied to the apex, root surface, and periapical lesion at 500 kHz and 90 V; periapical tissue inflammation resolved after 2 weeks. Subsequently, the root canal was filled. Follow-up radiography revealed a bone regeneration-like image at 2 months. Bone defects healed at 11 months. Although surgical endodontic therapy is conventionally performed in PAP patients, high-frequency conduction could be a minimally invasive nonsurgical endodontic treatment option for uninstrumented areas in PAP patients.

ザ・クインテッセンス 40/2 2021年2月号
論文掲載雑誌名:ザ・クインテッセンス 40/2 2021年2月号 (クインテッセンス出版)
著者、共著者 :菅谷勉、富永敏彦、鷲巣太郎、西田絵利香、熊谷広道

前号で紹介したように、根管に高周波電流を通電すると、根尖狭窄部では電流密度が高くなって発熱するが(図2a)、根管内容液の沸点を超えると気泡が発生し、気泡内に放電が起こる(図2b)と考えられる。しかし、 側枝や副根管など、主根管に比べて細い根管では電流が流れにくいため、温度上昇が起こりにくく、通電による温度上昇は主根管のみで、側枝や副根管では効果が不十分になる可能性がある。一方、主根管の根尖狭窄部で内容液が沸騰して気泡が発生すると、気泡内は電流が流れにくいので、気泡が主根管を封鎖することになって側枝や副根管に電流が流れ始める可能性も考えられる。

Part1:高周波電流の発熱部位と抜髄, 難治性根尖性歯周炎への応用
ザ・クインテッセンス 40/1 2021年1月号
論文掲載雑誌名:ザ・クインテッセンス 40/1 2021年1月号 (クインテッセンス出版)
著者、共著者 :菅谷勉、富永敏彦、太良尾浩生、熊谷広道、森厚志、多田瑛一朗

高周波治療器「Root ZX 3 高周波モジュール(モリタ製作所:図1)で高周波電流をファイルに通電すると、ファイルと組織の接触部で発熱し、接触部位の軟組織は焼灼蒸散、その周囲0.5mmは熱変性を生じる。象牙質にファイルが接している部位では、1秒の通電で象牙質も焼灼蒸散し、0.1mm程度の陥凹が生じ、その周囲0.1mmの範囲は象牙質が溶融する。通法では炎症が改善しなかった根尖性歯周炎の症例にこれらを応用し、根管内および骨欠損内の肉芽組織を焼灼して良好な治癒が得られた。さらに、根管にファイルを通して通電すると、ファイルが到達していない根尖狭窄部や側枝、副根管にも電流が流れ、そこで電流によるジュール熱が発生するため、抜髄では主根管だけでなく根尖狭窄部や側枝での歯髄の 蒸散や熱変性が可能であった。

Heat Generation and Temperature Increase in the Root during Electromagnetic Apical Treatment
Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders  Published
論文掲載雑誌名:Journal of Dentistry & Oral Disorders  Published: March 02, 2020
著者、共著者 :Toshihiko Tominaga, Eiichiro Tada, Kazuki Takahira and Tsutomu Sugaya

The temperature increase due to high-frequency energization reduces bacterial viability. However, the harmful effects of overheating of the periodontal tissues during a root canal procedure are a matter of concern. Therefore, we examined the heat generation and temperature increase in an active electrode on the intracanal and root surfaces by energization and to develop a novel endodontic treatment system using high-frequency current. K-file #10-40/.02 T was inserted into an egg white at several insertion depths. The current flow was energized with 510-kHz frequency at the maximum output of 15.5 W for 1.0s, and coagulation was evaluated. K-file was inserted at 2.0 mm on thecrown side from the apical foramen of a mandibular anterior tooth, followed byenergizing ten times. The temperatures of the intracanal and root surfaces weremeasured at the portion by a thermocouple Type-K TC-K-F-0.1-WP (HAYASHI DENKO Corp., Tokyo, Japan). The results were statistically analyzed. A uniform coagulated layer was created on the tip portion of the K-file when the insertion depth was up to 3.0 mm. The intracanal temperature of a mandibular anterior tooth increased up to 40.8℃-45.1℃ during the 1st energization. However, the root surface temperature increased by 7.1℃-7.8℃, with temperature increase per one energization being <0.5℃ if the time interval was >3.0 s during the subsequent energization. In the electromagnetic apical treatment system developed based on these results, the efficient generation of Joule heat and energization were possible without harmful effects on the periodontal tissue.

EMAT (Electro-Magnetic Apical Treatment)―Application of Electrical stimulation to apical periodontitis-
論文掲載雑誌名:日本歯内療法学会雑誌 2017年 38巻 1号
著者、共著者 :富永 敏彦, 北池 光希, 多田 瑛一朗, 高比良 一輝, 坂東 直樹, 平尾 早希, 林 邦彦, 横山 昌憲, 吉永 仁

Disinfection of the root canal system is essential in endodontic therapy. However, due to the complex anatomical morphology, it is impossible to completely eliminate infecting microorganisms. We have reported that electromagnetic stimulation has an activating effect on osteoblastic cells as well as a bactericidal effect and suggested that direct electromagnetic stimulation may be applicable for refractory apical periodontitis. Consequently, we developed Electro-Magnetic Apical Treatment (EMAT), with the aim of promoting rapid healing of periodontal tissue. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of EMAT for apical periodontitis.
Methods:74 maxillary anterior teeth with periapical lesions (>5.0 mm in diameter) were treated. 37 teeth were stimulated by the EMAT device, and 37 teeth were not stimulated. Radiographic follow-up was performed to evaluate the healing effect at 12 months postoperatively.
Results : The success rate (97.3%) in the EMAT group was statistically higher (p<0.01) than that in the non-stimulated group (73.0%). In the successful cases, the average reduction rate of periapical lesions was 9.7±5.2%/month in the EMAT group, which was significantly higher (p<0.01) compared with the non-stimulated group (4.9±1.7%/month).
Conclusions : These results suggest that EMAT accelerates the healing process of periodontal tissue.

Electromagnetic Wave Irradiation Promotes Osteoblastic Cell Proliferation and Up-Regulates Growth Factors via Activation of the ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK Pathways
論文掲載雑誌名:Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2015年 35巻 2号
著者、共著者 :Hiromichi Yumoto, Kouji Hirao, Toshihiko Tominaga, Naoki Bando, Kanako Takahashi, Takashi Matsuo

Periodontitis with bone resorption is caused by inflammatory reactions to bacterial infection. We recently reported that electromagnetic wave irradiation (EMWI) has bactericidal effects. However, the effects of EMWI on periodontal tissues remain unclear. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of EMWI on osteoblasts. Methods: Osteoblastic cells MC3T3-E1 were treated with EMWI (500-1,000 kHz, 5 times, 1 sec/time). Cell growth and cytotoxicity were determined by cell proliferation assays and measurement of lactate dehydrogenase release, respectively. Gene expression and protein production of growth factors were analyzed using real-time PCR and ELISA, respectively. EMWI-activated cellular signal transduction pathways were investigated by immunoblotting and blocking assay with specific inhibitors. Results: Osteoblasts proliferation was significantly enhanced 3 days after EMWI and no cytotoxicity was observed. EMWI up-regulated various growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). EMWI induced ERK1/2, p38 MAPK and SAPK/JNK phosphorylation within 5 min, and the production of PDGF-ΑΑ and VEGF was partially reduced by MAPK-specific inhibitor. Conclusion: These findings demonstrated that EMWI increases osteoblastic cell activity and the expression of growth factors via ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK pathways and suggested that EMWI may be beneficial to bone tissue repair such as periodontitis.

Bactericidal activity and oral pathogen inactivation by electromagnetic wave irradiation
論文掲載雑誌名:Journal of Applied Microbiology 2012年 113巻 1号
著者、共著者 :H. Yumoto, T. Tominaga, K. Hirao, T. Kimura, K. Takahashi, T. Sumitomo, N. Bando and T. Matsuo

Aims: The aim of this work was to clarify the effects of electromagnetic waveirradiation (EMWI) on oral bacterial pathogens.
Methods and Results: A Gram-negative (Porphyromonas gingivalis) or Grampositive(Streptococcus mutans, S. intermedius,Enterococcus faecalis) bacterial suspension was irradiated by EMW apparatus (500?1000 kHz, 5?15 times, 1s time)1). Quantification of survival bacteria by CFU counting revealed that EMWI exhibited marked bactericidal activity against all tested bacteria and bactericidal activity at 500 kHz increased in an irradiation number-dependent manner. After EMWI at 500 kHz, scanning electron microscopic observations showed that the chain of S. mutans cells was shortened after 5 irradiations and the outlines of bacterial cells (S. mutans and P. gingivalis) were unclear after 5? 10 irradiations. EMWI inhibited the inductive effect of S. mutans on proinflammatory cytokine production in human monocytes and this inhibitory effect was comparable with that of heat-killed bacteria. Furthermore, using an enzyme activity assay, EMWI partially inactivated the activities of gingipains from P. gingivalis.
Conclusions: These findings demonstrated that EMWI has inactivation and bactericidal activities against single microbial species among four kinds of oral pathogens.
Significance and Impact of the Study: Electromagnetic wave irradiation may be applicable for medical disinfection and sterilization, such as refractory periapical periodontitis.

Application with Electro-Magnetic wave to periapical lesion~EMAT (Electro-Magnetic Apical Treatment)~
論文掲載雑誌名:日本歯内療法学会雑誌 2011年 32巻 3号
著者、共著者 :坂東 直樹, 富永 敏彦, 湯本 浩通, 住友 孝史, 平尾 早希, 平尾 功治, 松尾 敬志

Periapical periodontitis is considered to be caused by infectious agents persisting in the root canal system triggering the host immune reaction. Disinfection is the key point for endodontic treatment, but it is difficult to completely remove all causal agents from the root canal system because of the morphological complexities. In this study, we focused on the potential usefulness of electro-magnetic wave irradiation (EMWI) for clinical application to promote healing. The aims of this study were : 1) to determine the characteristics of EMW and 2) to evaluate the clinical application of EMWI to endodontic treatment. The analysis of EMW characteristics demonstrated that it is important to make the diameter of the active electrode tip smaller and to keep the insertion depth within 5 mm for effective generation of Joule heat, and revealed that Joule heat conduction spreads 1.0-1.5 mm wide in the horizontal direction. The success rate of clinical application of EMWI was 99.1%, which is higher than that of the EMWI-untreated group (95.1%). Moreover, the reduction rate of the diameter of periapical lesion in the EMWI-treated group (75.62%) was significantly increased. These findings demonstrate that EMWI accelerates healing of periapical lesions and suggest that it may be useful for clinical application to refractory periapical periodontitis as non-surgical treatment.

Application of electro-magnetic wave to endodontic treatment?EMAT (Electro-Magnetic Apical Treatment)
論文掲載雑誌名:四国歯学会雑誌 2011年 24巻 1号
著者、共著者 :富永 敏彦

Periapical periodontitis has been considered to be a host immune reaction triggered by infectious agents persisting in root canal system. Disinfection within the root canal system is the most important procedure in endodontic treatment; however, it is quite difficult to completely remove bacteria and all causal agents from the root canal system because of its anatomical and morphological complexities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new control techniques against infected root canal-associated bacteria. Here, we focused on the potent of electro-magnetic wave irradiation (EMWI) as a disinfection apparatus against pathogens localized in the root canal as well as clinical application to promote the healing of bony defects around dental roots. The aims of this work were 1) to determine the characteristics of EMW, 2) to clarify the effects of EMWI on oral bacterial pathogens and 3) to evaluate the clinical application of EMWI to endodontic treatment.
The analysis of EMW demonstrated that it is important to make the diameter of active electrode tip smaller and keep the insertion depth within 5 mm for effective generation of Joule heat, and revealed that Joule heat conduction spreads 1.0-1.5 mm wide in a horizontal direction, not vertical direction.
Bacterial suspension was irradiated by the EMW apparatus (500-1,000 kHz, 5-15 times, 1 sec/time). The enumeration of survival bacteria revealed that the EMWI exhibited great bactericidal activity to kill all tested bacteria and this bactericidal activity at 500 kHz increased in an irradiation times-dependent manner. After 5-10 times EMWI at 500 kHz, scanning electron microscopic observations showed that a chain of Streptococcus mutans cells was shortened and the outer layer or shape of S. mutans and Porphyromonas gingivalis cells were unclear. EMWI inhibited the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokine production in human monocytes by S. mutans. Furthermore, EMWI partially inactivated the activity of gingipains from P. gingivalis.
The success rate of EMAT clinical application was 99.0%, which is significantly higher than that of EMAT-untreated the control group (94.9%). Both the diameter and area of periapical lesion in EMAT group had markedly reduced throughout the entire follow-up period of 6 month. The changes per month in diameter and area of periapical lesion in EMAT group were much bigger than those in the control group.
These findings demonstrated that EMWI has inactivative and bactericidal activities against oral bacteria and accelerates healing of periapical lesion, and suggest that it is useful for the clinical application to refractory periapical periodontitis as a non-surgical treatment.


感染根管治療 Retreatment
感染根管治療 Retreatment
著者、共著者:富永 敏彦、多田 瑛一朗、高比良 一輝、菅谷 勉
書籍タイトル:感染根管治療 Retreatment :木ノ本 喜史先生編著(ヒョーロン・パブリッシャーズ)内

そこで、高周波電流を根管と根尖部歯周組織に直接作用させ、治癒を活性化する「電磁波根尖療法(electromagnetic apical treatment:EMAT)(2~4) を考案した。本稿では、EMATの術式ならびに臨床応用例について解説する。

著者、共著者:富永 敏彦、多田 瑛一朗、高比良 一輝、菅谷 勉

そこで、高周波電流を根管と根尖部歯周組織に直接作用させ、治癒を活性化する「電磁波根尖療法(electromagnetic apical treatment:EMAT)(2~4) を考案した。本稿では、EMATの術式ならびに臨床応用例について解説する。

著者、共著者:富永 敏彦


著者、共著者:富永 敏彦
書籍タイトル 季刊・歯科医療秋号(第一歯科出版)

電磁波を直接応用する「電磁波骨再生療法Electro-Magnetic Apical Treatment(EMAT)」は、in vitro.in vivoでの研究結果より最近の増殖を抑制し、さらに炎症性サイトカインの産生誘導も減少させることが認められている。

著者、共著者:富永 敏彦

2005年に考案した「電磁波骨再生療法Electro-Magnetic Apical Treatment(EMAT)」は難治性根尖病変に対して、電磁波(500~1000kHz)を直接応用することにより、根管内および根尖周囲における病原体の殺菌や骨芽細胞の活性化を惹起し、歯周組織の治癒を加速化させることを目的としている。

季刊・歯科医療 春号
著者、共著者:富永 敏彦

本連載では、「電磁波骨再生療法、Electro-Magnetic Apical Treatment(EMAT)における細菌および骨芽細胞様細胞に対する影響ならびに臨床結果からみられた有用性、将来的な応用方法について解説する。

アポロニア21   205号
著者、共著者:富永 敏彦


アポロニア21   204号
著者、共著者:富永 敏彦


アポロニア21 :203号
著者、共著者:富永 敏彦


著者、共著者:富永 敏彦

私も全く同感です。もう二度と生えてこないのだから、歯を減らしたくありません。「天然の歯に勝るものはない。どうにかこの揺れている歯を残すことはできないか?」 そればかり考えてきました。